a Dungeons and Dragons party participating in an ongoing campaign called
Beyond The Great Tree.

Dungeon Master: Tommy

Mayve Byrimn: Pigeon

Borgash Ukrin: Edgar

Jak Flemings: Crow

Nysa Blanchard: Dakota

Cyran Amakiir: Kai


Played by Tommy. God.

Mayve Byrimn

Played by Pigeon, Mayve is a tiefling Wizard with a very troubled past. Logical but nervous, she is the only intelligent member of the party, and has to put up with the group’s antics.

Borgash Urkin

Played by Edgar, Borgash is a half-orc Paladin of Helm, god of guards and watchers, and a Wild Magic Sorcerer who just discovered his Fey-touched bloodline. Impulsive and courageous, Borgash is the party’s reckless tank who recently swore the Oath of the Guardian. A while ago, he discovered he and Mayve were short-lived childhood friends. A devout Helmite, Borgash frequently gets into moral dilemmas and arguments because of his strong faith.

Cyran Amakiir

Played by Kai, Cyran is a high elf Cleric of Tymorra, goddess of luck. Wise and responsible, Cyran is usually the voice of reason in Tree Five. Despite their intelligence score of seven, Cyran frequently holds the group together and serves as a sort of “mom friend” to them.

Jak Flemings

Played by Crow, Jak is a half-elf Rogue. A pirate raised by a minotaur, Jak is very determined and focused, while also being money-hungry. Jak and Borgash often fight, and then make up and do incredibly reckless and dangerous things together. Jak is also engaged to the tavern owner of the inn the party frequents, Ampus.

Nysa Blanchard

Played by Dakota, Nysa is a human Bard and Warlock. Mysterious but kind, Nysa is the only party member who never really argues. She has a pet rat and a pet owlbear, and very much enjoys spending her downtime with her pets.


Mayve Byrimn

Borgash Urkin

Cyran Amakiir

Jak Flemings

Nysa Blanchard